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Less is More, a great read by Jason Hickel. Time to reimagine the #economy #climateshorts #clips
Degrowth and Ecosocialism | Jason Hickel
Unequal exchange of labour in the world economy: A Paper by Jason Hickel, Morena Hanbury Lemos, F...
The Future is Degrowth (w/ Aaron Vansintjan) || SRSLY WRONG ep 270
The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer
Can we move into ecological economics? Reimagining what economics might mean on Desirable Unknown
Covid-19, Climate and Capitalism: Why we need a radical Global Green New Deal (TUC Congress 2020)
slow living and degrowth | a personal reckoning
Socialism | FULL DEBATE | Doha Debates
Rebecca Henderson: How To Fix Capitalism.
The Fundamentals of Ecosystem Strategies with Simone Cicero
From Crisis to Justice (Part 1): How do we win a Global Green New Deal?